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CSS Grid and Flexbox are both powerful layout systems in CSS, but they have different use cases and strengths.

Flexbox is ideal for laying out elements in a single row or column and controlling the alignment, distribution, and order of those elements within that row or column. It’s particularly useful for creating responsive designs and centering elements vertically and horizontally. Flexbox is great for creating navigation menus, headers, footers, and content containers.

CSS Grid, on the other hand, is better suited for creating complex two-dimensional layouts with rows and columns. It allows you to place elements anywhere on the grid and control their position, size, and alignment. It’s particularly useful for creating more complex designs such as magazine layouts, card-based designs, and complex form layouts.

In summary, both CSS Grid and Flexbox have their own strengths and use cases, and which one is better depends on the specific layout you’re trying to achieve. If you’re designing a simple layout with a linear flow, Flexbox is the better option. If you’re designing a more complex, multi-dimensional layout, CSS Grid is likely to be a better choice.